Biden For Greater Israel: Judah and Samaria

Copyright: Mahmood Iqbal

Biden administration and Israel (especially Netanyahu government) have clandestinely planned to lock stock and barrel the issue of Palestinians once for all through a full expulsion of Gazans to Sinai. Strategy is that first thin the population as far and as quickly as possible and flatten the whole existing structure to make the land unlivable (also said by UN). Gazans would have little option but to flee to Sinai to save their lives. It would appear a temporary act at first, but as it happened in the past, it gradually becomes permanent: another Nakba. Notably, Biden is known for years as a staunch supporter of Israel and ultra-Zionist from early days of his political life. As is evident, from top echelon to decision makers in his administration, all are Jews.

USA that preaches and invades parts of the world in the name of human rights, fight against terrorism and law and order, but aids and abets in all shape and forms to Israel, which would perhaps officially be labelled soon by the ICJ as committing Genocide against Palestinians. It was a strategic plan of Biden all along and was waiting for the right opportunity. Rulings of UN, ICJ and their affiliate organizations would be cast away as in the past because Biden-Israel have a holy and historical ambition to fulfill.

Horror for Palestinians in the West Bank would not be different. Same fate has been waiting for them. Settlers have since long taken full control of prime location and farm land with full support, protection of IDF and financial incentives by all Israeli governments. And their encroachment and control are increasing at an alarming rate with full blessing of US and Europe. West Bank Palestinians are most likely to be pushed out to Jordon. For such a treachery and sell out, Egypt and Jordon would be rewarded richly in perpetuity. And Jews will have Greater Israel as professed in biblical Judah and Samaria. In a recent poll (according to Haaretz), 94% of Israelis are in full support of Netanyahu government bombing, death and destruction campaigns against Gazans. And 43% believe it is insufficient and be up scaled.

What would it be there for Saudi Arabia (believed to be the custodian of Islam), UAE and other key Middle East players? They would have realized the dream of a prosperous Middle East and even allow themselves to be dictated further by US and the Europeans. These leaders are already in full cohort with Israel, telling one thing in public and doing just the opposite in private. As shown in viral videos that Jordon, UAE and Saudi Arabia are helping Israel in transporting goods through their borders to avoid Houthis attacks on Israeli and US ships in Red Sea.

Majority of Middle Eastern public are sheep and slaves of their native Masters and Western puppeteers who are pulling their strings. After some hue and cry, public would calm down and things become normal as if nothing has happened. Golden era of Muslims, their bravery, integrity, spirit and heroism had long been buried in history books. Todays’ Sunni Muslims (more than 80% of the total) with some exceptions have no guts to stand up against their Western-imposed dictators and US led colonial rule.

The main hurdle could be Iran and its affiliates or proxies. There is a likelihood that Iran could construe Palestinian Genocide and their expulsion nothing less than that of a submission to US power and Sunni crescent in the region. To halt it, Iran may spearhead a wider regional war to subvert the dark dream of Israel-US-SA-UAE. Otherwise, Palestinian issue would about to become part of history books.

One humble plea to American Muslims, Arabs and Black voters is that they stay away from November election. Voting for Biden is akin to participating directly in Genocides of Palestinians. No one and even Trump could be worse than that of Biden. He will not bomb more than what Bidden is already doing. There would hardly be anything left for further death, destruction and sufferings of Palestinians in next few months other than clean up jobs to build Israeli resorts, high rise, malls and restaurants in front of Gaza beech strip (already advertisement for bookings started according to Al Jazeera). With his flaws, Trump is not as crooked as Biden is. He is at least open and vocal. He is not hypocrite and dangerously double-faced like Biden. 

For Blacks, voting for Biden is not different from repeating the sinful crime of past slavery in the 21st century. Think of it why out of 195 countries in the world, only South Africa has brought Genocidal crime of Israel to ICJ. It reminds them worst phase of their past apartheid regime and White colonial rules. Tragically, this has been happening now with Palestinians in front of the world 24/7 with full encouragement and support of the West.

About Mahmood Iqbal

An Economist (PhD). Former Principal Economist, a Canadian Research Institute. Adjunct Faculty Member, a Canadian University. Forced to delete the name of the University due to legal threat received for my Pro-Palastenian stand. A country that prides itself on free speech, human rights and democracy. But can't allow views that deviate from holders of power, authority and mainstream media. The author of "No PhDs Please: This is Canada."
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